The parrot was very dear to the Emperor – the apple of his eye, in fact. Naturally, it became dear to each of the courtiers. Everyone was aware, of course, of the decree: any person who dares to break the news of Raaghu’s death would be beheaded forthwith!
Hi, how is it going?
What? Stranded abroad? How many of you?
Oh, that should not be a bother. Yes, a plane can be arranged. From the Air Force if necessary. After all, we also have some responsibilities towards our people.
Did the Emperor need to covet anything further? Not really. An undisputed ruler of the land, held in awe by his subjects, a vanquished opposition, full coffers and reckoned with the world over!
बादशाह को कमी किसी चीज की नहीं थी. निरंकुश सत्ता, अकूत खजाना, धराशायी विरोधी और दुनिया मे धाक.
पर लोभ किससे संवरण हो पाता है? कहते हैं ना – आदमी का पेट भर जाता है, मन नहीं भरता. उस दिन असावधानी में कुछ ऐसा ही हुआ.
Covid-19 made an early appearance in Kerala. The state government was quick to contain these cases and was acknowledged for its efforts. However, this satisfaction was short-lived, as the number of cases started to spike from about 21st March (see here for a visualisation). In fact, Kerala and Maharashtra occupied the top two positions in terms of number of cases between 21 March and 2 April. Kerala went down to third position only on 3 April, when Tamil Nadu overtook it in terms of the number of cases. Since then Kerala has steadily moved to 4th (5 April), 5th (7 April), and 8th (9 April) position, and has since remained there.
बादशाह को यह तोता बहुत प्यारा था. जाहिर है हर दरबारी का भी वह प्यारा हो गया. फिर फ़रमान भी तो था – जो कोई व्यक्ति राघू के मरने की खबर सुनाएगा, उस का सर कलम कर दिया जाएगा.
The Common Man let out a deep sigh. He picked up the corpse of Vetala from atop the Public Works Department building and began walking towards home. Vetala appreciated his perseverance and said unto him “O Common Man, I admire your sincerity and perseverance. But these virtues are at a discount these days. You must also be a smart operator if you want to succeed. Let me tell you the story of Ganesh and Kartikeya — the two sons of Lord Shiva. You may see my point of view then.”
The Common Man let out a deep sigh, picked up the corpse of Vetala from atop the polling booth and began to walk back. Vetala secretly appreciated his perseverance but said out loud unto him “O common man, I really cannot gauge the purpose of your untiring efforts. It reminds me of Maharshi Matdaata and of the mouse who would repeatedly visit him to seek his blessing. Let me tell you their story to pass the time along the way”.
The Common Man sighed. He lifted the corpse of Vetala from atop a huge election banner, put it on his shoulder and began walking towards the polling booth. Vetala secretly appreciated his perseverance but said out loud unto him “O common man, I really do not know what you wish to achieve through this exercise. If power is what you are after, I am afraid you might meet the same fate as the great king Manu did while using his power. Let me tell you the story to relieve you of the drudgery of this task of carrying me.”
Kumbhakarna has gone back to sleep, once again. This happens every year. Come February and March, he rubs his eyes, yawns, and slowly wakes up from his long slumber, and, by the time April and May come around, he’s asleep again…until next year. Those who run the kingdom of Lanka are quite happy with this arrangement. His sleeping doesn’t interfere with the process of their filling of their own coffers. In fact, it helps them swell their coffers. Because, Kumbhakarna doesn’t care if the gold of Lanka just lines the pockets of her rulers, as long as it stays in Lanka. All he cares about, is his pound of flesh and his own sustenance.
The Common Man sighed deeply. He lifted the corpse of Vetala from atop Parliament House, heaved it upon his shoulders and and began walking. Vetala admired his perseverance but said out loud unto him “O common man, I do not know what goal you are persevering for. What is the ultimate objective that brings you here again and again? With the instability that prevails today, you’ll have to come to this house again and again to pick me up. This country is in for elections after elections now. Anyway, let me narrate to you the story of the ticket seeker’s death. It will relieve you of some of your boredom.”