Satish Balram Agnihotri blog - In a Land of Dirt Roads

Take that lady journalist
Thinks she is an evangelist
Trying to probe business deals 
Ignoring wheels within the wheels
How can a woman have such gall? 
Time to snoop on them all

And that pollster talking tall
Principles of democracy in West Bengal
Battling his wits against my grit
Saving last bastion from a fall!
Time to snoop on them all

And that scientist among them 
Thinks expertise only she can claim
If Power and Science collide head on
It is the power that takes the call
Time to snoop on them all

That victim of sexual harassment 
Creating such an embarrassment
Thinks she can stand the might of the state
Such a fool, monitor her every call !
Time to snoop on them all

I see a Commissioner among them 
Talking principles to get some fame
He has a family which we can tame
Can’t he realise the clear pitfall?
Time to snoop on them all

Why should a Judge be the Holy cow 
Pretending to be holier than thou
Show them their place, tap their call
Like nine pins let them fall
Time to snoop on them all

What do these foolish opponents think
Are we really going to blink
I am the monarch of all I survey
Why should there be any remorse at all ?
Time to snoop on them all

Image Courtesy: Pixabay

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